Door to door Distribution

Can Business to Business Companies Benefit from Door to Door Distribution?

0 minute read

We used to think that because we offer a business to business (B2B) service, there’s no point distributing door to door; but is this actually the case?  It dawned on us that door to door (D2D) can actually be more effective for us than distributing directly to businesses.  If you are primarily B2B, then read on to see how your business can benefit.



Why Business to Business Distribution is NOT Effective

We used to offer this service, but due to very poor response rates for our clients, and the time-consuming nature of the service, we couldn’t offer it at a price which generated a useful ROI.  I personally did these distributions and very rarely was able to hand the flyer over to a decision-maker.  In town/city centres and office blocks, I was either met with a shop keeper or receptionist (gatekeeper!), not a decision-maker.  As a result, the flyer would rarely reach the intended receiver and thus be a waste.  


Can B2B Work D2D?

Yes. Think about the person who will either be the owner of an SME or be in a decision making (manager/director) position in a larger company – where will they live?  The likelihood is that they live in either a middle or upper middle-class area of your Town/City.   Therefore, if we target such areas for you, your flyer will hit the intended audience. 


The Right Design

Below you can see the flyer design we are using to distribute D2D.  We initially designed this for B2B, but after many repeats to businesses, we didn’t receive enquiries.  We are now, therefore, distributing them door to door.   The message is simple and directed specifically for business owners or managers.  We accept it won’t be relevant for everyone, though the targeted approach will increase the probability of reaching the right people.


What Extra Benefits Are There?

With B2B distribution businesses are very widely spread compared with houses, and therefore typically only distribute to about 30% in the time of doing D2D.  Not only that, because there’s so much driving involved, we inevitably must charge more.   So with D2D we can distribute more than 3x as many for around half the price.   Furthermore, this strategy is great for brand awareness. 


What To Do Next?

If you work B2B then please contact us today, and we can look to create you a targeted campaign to reach the right audience for you and your business.  You can also watch a quick YouTube video on this, simply CLICK HERE