Mr Flyer has merged with Flow Solutions UK Ltd
0 minute read
We have some exciting news! Mr Flyer has merged with one of the UK's leading Print & Direct Mail companies, Flow Solutions UK Ltd, in the first quarter of this year.
As of the 9th of March 2020, the two companies have become one, with Mr Flyer now trading as part of Flow Solutions UK Ltd.
Does this change anything for your business?
Yes, but don't worry because it is all positive! Mr Flyer's staff and brand are the same, operating as we always have, with the benefit of a bigger family and a host of new resources. We'll be getting in touch with you over the coming days and weeks to share our additional services with you and how we can further help build your business.
So, how does this affect your Personal Information?
Well, in truth, it affects it very little! However, we do have to inform you of the move by law.
Because the company data is remaining within the Brand and Functional Business of Mr Flyer, other than the data being moved to a different physical server, nothing will change. The levels of data use & management are identical and at a high standard in relation to GDPR Legislation.
The only addition to the procedure is that we may send you an annual email to verify your details are still relevant and accurate in the event we haven't spoken in a while. This is to ensure good house-keeping and maintain adherence to in-house Data Policy only (it will not contain any advertising).

If you would like to view our updated Privacy Policy, you can visit our website at
If you would like to know more about Flow Solutions UK Ltd. and what additional services we can now provide, we would be happy to hear from you, or you can visit
None of the above affects your rights in any way, and you can call us anytime if you have questions.
Many thanks for your continued custom, and we look forward to sharing with you how this merger can help further build your business and your brand.